Saturday, 7 September 2013

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Godaddy subdomain on different server
A free open source project management application:

Mysql database and table character set

Counting the number of rows affected by Php Mysql PDO

Domain Transfer Procedure

StepLosing RegistrarCustomerGaining Registrar
1 Customer purchases a Domain Transfer 
Customer must unlock the domain and receive an Authorization Code from the Losing Registrar.Depending on your old registrar, you can do this via your control panel or by contacting support. 
3  Gaining Registrar sends an email to the Customer. This email contains an ID number, a Key Code, and a link to confirm the transfer.
4 Customer confirms the transfer with the ID and Key Code from the email. If the domain being transferred requires one, the Authorization Code from the Losing Registrar will also need to be entered. 
5  Gaining Registrar sends notification to the old registrar to transfer the domain.
6Losing registrar sends confirmation for release of domain.  
7 Customer confirms release with Losing Registrar. 
8Losing Registrar releases domain to Gaining Registrar.  
9  A "transfer success" email is sent to notify the customer that the domain is now located in their account.
10 Customer now has control over the domain at the new Registrar. 

ICANN Domain Transfers Policy
Google Docs vs Office 365
Creating text files in php
To open a port permanently in Fedora 19:

sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=80/tcp

Check if port is open

To check if a port is open:

Making wordpress links relative

Add the following lines in the beginning of functions.php ( of your theme):

update_option('siteurl','http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']);
update_option('home','http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']);

More info:

CSS font stacks